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Leaseweb is a quality cloud provider and operator of a first-class worldwide network.
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SaaStr Annual 2023 : Récapitulatif de l’évènement SaaS le plus important au monde

Thu, 11/9/2023 - 14:13
SaaStr 2023Notre participation récente au SaaStr Annual 2023 nous a laissé optimistes et revigorés au sujet de l’avenir de l’industrie du cloud. We hope you had the chance to visit our booth and left with kernels of inspiration from our hosting technologies and our awesome popcorn machine. Serving as a sponsor since 2016, we are committed […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Trois facteurs de réussite qui permettent aux entreprises de SaaS de se développer à l’international

Tue, 5/9/2023 - 11:15
Le modèle SaaS (Software as a Service) a révolutionné notre façon de travailler et est devenu l’un des modèles commerciaux modernes les plus populaires. En 2022, Gartner estimait que l’espace SaaS représentait plus de 195 milliards USD, soit une croissance d’environ 500 % depuis 2015. And right now, some of the biggest names in technology are operating […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Can Your Infrastructure Handle a Black Friday-Scale Surge? Here’s What to Expect. (Votre infrastructure peut-elle faire face à un pic de fréquentation type Black Friday ? Voici ce à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre.)

Fri, 11/27/2020 - 10:46
L’infrastructure en ligne doit être capable de gérer des volumes de trafic sans précédent pendant le Black Friday et d’autres événements à grande échelle générant une augmentation du trafic. Here are our best practices, what you can expect, and how you can prepare. This guest blog was written by Gabor Vince, Senior Consultant of Infrastructure and Services at Yusp by Gravity R&D. The Why It […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

The Importance of Energy (L’importance de l’énergie)

Wed, 11/20/2019 - 16:47
Que va-t-on retirer de cet investissement ? En tant que spécialiste du marketing, je me pose toujours cette question. Il s’agit d’un facteur déterminant dans tout ce que je fais. It’s essential when creating content, necessary when developing strategies, and critical when attending events – where everything we bring, do and say needs to be with a return in mind. […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

SaaS Sessions Part 3: Technology (Sessions SaaS, partie 3 : Technologie)

Wed, 10/23/2019 - 11:40
AppairageWelcome to the third and final chapter of the Leaseweb SaaS Sessions series, where we examine crucial decisions SaaS suppliers are facing in the technology sector. Among them: how to deal with development talent shortages, ways to successfully acquire and retain customers, and the ‘always-on’ infrastructure needed for scaling a SaaS business.  In case you missed the first […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

SaaS Sessions Part 2: Growth (Sessions SaaS, partie 2 : Croissance)

Mon, 8/26/2019 - 16:31
SaaS growth (Croissance SaaS)La première étape est de se lancer en tant que fournisseur SaaS. Ensuite, il faut améliorer votre position sur le marché en développant votre activité (au niveau national et international). What do SaaS companies think about their growth track and what are their considerations? Organic growth Rob Coppen, who founded Yellowtail Group, explains that his company has grown organically, from what was […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Sessions SaaS Partie 1 : Ambitions

Mon, 7/22/2019 - 17:04
SaaS Sessions (Sessions SaaS)This is the first in our blog series ‘SaaS Sessions,’ which was inspired by a recent roundtable event in which five Dutch SaaS entrepreneurs and I had a discussion and shared insights. In this one, I discuss ambitions for Dutch SaaS companies, the steps for scaling, and expanding overseas. Enjoy!  The Netherlands is a country with […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

La puissance du bare metal

Fri, 6/7/2019 - 15:14
bare metalCeci est un blog invité rédigé par Ara Sadoyan, fondateur de OddEye. Here he shares some information about one of OddEye’s partners Mouseflow, and their infrastructure hosted at Leaseweb.   Recently, I’ve been reading lots of articles and stories about Docker, container orchestration, microservice deployment, and how it has saved lives and tons of time […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Rejoignez-nous sur SaaStr 2019!

Fri, 2/1/2019 - 11:33
SaaStrBetween 5th and 7th February, SaaS executives, founders, and entrepreneurs will gather in San Jose, California, for SaaStr Annual 2019, the largest event for the SaaS community. For us, it’s an opportunity to spend a couple days with the best and brightest minds in SaaS, and we’re proud to be a gold sponsor taking part […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Utilisez les MSP pour maximiser et gérer vos solutions de SaaS

Wed, 5/9/2018 - 10:04
fournisseur de services d'infogéranceBetween 2017 and 2022, the managed services industry is predicted to grow from USD $152.45 billion to $257.84 billion, representing a compound annual growth rate of over 11 percent. Within the managed services market shines cloud-based technology, representing the fastest growing deployment type. Cloud-based systems are expected to show the biggest CAGR over the next […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Des tendances prometteuses qui révolutionneront l’industrie MarTech en 2018

Wed, 2/7/2018 - 09:20
martechLe marketing a fait du chemin depuis le temps où il s'agissait simplement d'un panneau à l'extérieur d'une boutique ou d'annonces dans l'annuaire. Digital marketing and technology now go hand in hand, and “MarTech” is a broad term applied to any major initiatives that rely on the power of technology to realize marketing objectives. Once hampered by privacy concerns […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

SAP HANA est rapide mais trop cher ?

Tue, 1/30/2018 - 11:44
sap hana fast priceyOver the course of the past year, a number of our Leaseweb teams set out to undertake the largest software transformation in the recent history of the company. The goal was to implement several SAP software products, including SAP HANA. Throughout this journey, we experienced the highs and lows that accompany any major undertaking, but […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Venez nous rencontrer à la plus grande Conférence Saas de 2018

Mon, 1/22/2018 - 10:01
SaaStrThis year Leaseweb USA will again be a sponsor at SaaStr in San Francisco on 6-8 février.  It will be one of the biggest SaaS conferences in the world, with three days of amazing content and high-quality networking.  The event is expected to attract over 10,000 SaaS founders, VCs, and executives; all gathered around the […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Comment choisir le bon hébergeur SaaS

Tue, 8/29/2017 - 09:53
hébergement saasOver the past decade, SaaS has grown to be the primary service delivery model for companies across all industries, and according to a recent Gartner report, over 70 percent of companies utilize the model. While that same report forecasts slower growth in the SaaS market over the next few years, it predicts that among all global […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Ce qu'il faut savoir lorsque vous choisissez une solution sur le cloud pour un SaaS

Fri, 7/14/2017 - 15:49
hébergement saasUnless you are Oracle, Salesforce, or another enterprise-level company, the cost of opening your own data center can be prohibitive. While this may be true, the benefits of operating in the cloud are clear from both a business and an IT standpoint. You can deploy software quickly, applications are easy to use, and maintenance and upgrade costs […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Rencontrez nous à l'annuel SaaStr2017

Tue, 2/7/2017 - 15:41
SaastrLeaseweb USA will be the only hosting company in attendance at this year’s SaaStr Annual in San Francisco. The young conference, led by veteran SaaS investor Jason Lemkin, has already grown to more than 250 speakers and 10,000 attendees in just its third year. This year’s theme – “Scale Together” – fits so well with […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Software-as-a-Service: Agile, Innovative, Thriving

Fri, 2/19/2016 - 16:15
In the last few weeks, it seems that everyone has become convinced that the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) sector is in trouble, thanks to a sudden decline in market valuations of SaaS companies like LinkedIn, Workday and Salesforce. Those concerns aren’t without merit: In one week, the combined stock values of those three companies plunged by $22 […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb