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Leaseweb is a quality cloud provider and operator of a first-class worldwide network.
Updated: 2 hours 6 min ago

Améliorer la vitesse de votre site Web grâce au Multi-CDN

Tue, 1/16/2024 - 14:58
3 façons dont le cloud accélère la croissance de votre entrepriseToutes les marques cherchent à renforcer leur réputation et leur professionnalisme. In 2023, a key part of how brands were perceived was through their online presence, especially their websites. There are many things to consider when developing a successful website including theme, design, and structure. But, another important consideration is how fast and reliably the content is […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Optimisation de la diffusion de contenu : Devriez-vous créer votre propre CDN multiple ? 

Tue, 7/4/2023 - 09:53
CDN multipleLes organisations s'efforcent d'atteindre des utilisateurs dans différentes régions du monde interconnectés d'aujourd'hui. Unforeseen events such as CDN outages or network disruptions can significantly impact content availability. Imagine your viral video loading forever, or worse — it stops playing. You lose your audience, which impacts the business and revenue. Implementing a multi-CDN architecture creates redundancy and […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

3 éléments indispensables pour assurer le succès de votre entreprise d’e-commerce durant les fêtes

Tue, 11/8/2022 - 09:57
Préparez votre entreprise d’e-commerce aux fêtes de fin d’annéeIl s’agit de la période la plus festive de l’année, mais aussi de la période la plus chargée pour les e-commerçants. The 2022 holiday shopping season is underway with online sales forecast to grow by 12.8% to 14.3% over last year, reaching $260 billion.  Even with rising inflation and ongoing inventory concerns, consumers are planning to spend this holiday season, which […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Routage du trafic en multi-CDN

Mon, 10/10/2022 - 10:58
Routage du trafic en Multi CDNIn this blog post, we explain everything you need to know about routing strategies in multi-CDN.  CDNs each have their own routing strategies when it comes to connecting edge nodes to end users. Some use Anycast while others might use DNS records to distribute the traffic between their edge nodes. This alone comes with its […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Power Your Play (Donnez plus de puissance à vos jeux)

Fri, 4/10/2020 - 14:09
Cet article de blog a été rédigé par Wilfired Dudink, directeur général Leaseweb CDN. The gaming industry is going through more change than it ever has before – and everyone is trying to get a share of it. While 2019 was a great year for gaming, there is still more to come. This year promises to have […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Se diversifier : pourquoi est-ce vital pour les fournisseurs de contenu

Mon, 7/15/2019 - 17:10
contenuDiversification is a risk management strategy that combats the concentration of all resources in one single pot or asset class.   In this blog post, we discuss the importance of diversification for IT directors at content providers in the digital era. They are challenged to always keep their services available and providing content, so need to avoid having […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

En quoi les CDN multiples et les CDN hybrides améliorent-ils à nouveau la distribution de contenu ?

Wed, 1/10/2018 - 09:11
diffusion de contenuLes réseaux de diffusion de contenu (ou CDN) d'introduction offrent un système de diffusion de contenu fiable pour les sites Web et les plates-formes vidéo en ligne, dans le monde entier. These systems work to speed up content delivery, such as web pages, videos, games, and even software updates to web users based on their geographic location and performance. There are different types of CDN […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Votre site est-il prêt pour gérer le trafic des vacances ?

Fri, 12/8/2017 - 09:33
commerce électronique lié à la circulation des vacancesLa saison des achats des fêtes 2017 promet d'être l'une des plus intenses de l'histoire, en particulier pour les vendeurs au détail en ligne. Total sales are projected to grow by 16.6 percent over last year, with online sales comprising 11.5 percent of all holiday shopping. The period before, during, and after the holiday season is a huge sales opportunity for you. […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

4 Manières de vous assurer que votre boutique Internet reste ouverte

Wed, 11/8/2017 - 10:41
hébergement pour le commerce électroniqueWhile global e-commerce sales are predicted to approach $2.5 trillion this year and continue to grow to nearly $4 trillion by 2020, according to a recent eMarketer report, the market remains highly competitive. Nearly 80 percent of new e-commerce sites ultimately fail, and companies need to have a strong understanding of their market, trends, merchandise, platform, and e-commerce […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

La puissance du HTTP/2 pour le CDN

Mon, 10/23/2017 - 14:47
http/2Le HTTP est un protocole avec lequel tous les développeurs Web doivent être familiarisés. It was introduced in 1989 by Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, which he developed using a single NeXTcube workstation, and it continues to prove reliable for networks with port connection speeds surpassing 10 megabits. Then, in 2015, the Internet Engineering Task Force released HTTP/2, […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Le secret de temps de chargement plus courts sur les sites de commerce électronique

Mon, 9/11/2017 - 11:59
temps de charge réduitsLes ventes de commerce électronique ont considérablement augmenté au cours des récentes années et cette croissance continue d'accélérer. Between 2015 and 2016, online sales increased almost 16 percent, and e-commerce is expected to continue to grow at rates above 20 percent. For online sellers and developers of e-commerce sites, this means the market will only become more competitive, and […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

5 Manières de préparer votre site aux pics de trafic

Mon, 6/19/2017 - 16:25
Pic de traficEn tant que professionnel de l'informatique, vous accordez de l'importance aux consultations de pages et aux visiteurs uniques sur votre site. But at times of peak traffic, they can be as much of an obstacle as an asset. The popularity of your website can make it the victim of its own success. Target experienced this problem firsthand when it introduced its Lilly Pulitzer […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Live Transcoding Made Simple and Easy

Tue, 8/23/2016 - 14:53
In today’s age of livestreaming events and concerts, the numerous and diverse amounts of mobile devices, desktops and TV’s pose a challenge for any content distribution creator.  Julien Lehmann, Product Manager for CDN and Cybersecurity at Leaseweb previews the new service of live transcoding, a service that simplifies your workflow, that will be launched during […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Leaseweb and Scopic: Building Virtual Bridges with Hybrid Cloud

Tue, 8/2/2016 - 16:00
Guest blog written by Leon Horbach of high-end VR production company Scopic. In a world that is more characterized by global connectivity than ever before, Cloud hosting providers such as Leaseweb play vital roles. The seamless transportation of data, in combination with rock-solid security and innovative products, are key factors when making both the private […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Harnessing Millions of CDN Statistics With Apollo

Thu, 7/28/2016 - 13:04
At Leaseweb, our CDN team focuses on delivering ultra-high performance globally for any content while remaining the most competitive player in the field. We process and monitor millions of requests per minute and that level of traffic requires a robust and flexible statistics platform that provide us and our customers with real-time accurate information. Our […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Quel est le coût de votre cloud ?

Thu, 7/21/2016 - 11:31
Third-party cloud solutions offer a truly transformational cost advantages over traditional on-premise hosting – but you’re not going to capture most of them with a rudimentary, “back of the envelope” analysis. That’s the lesson of our latest white paper, “Developing a cloud sourcing strategy: Two steps to calculate the total cost of ownership of your […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb