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Leaseweb is a quality cloud provider and operator of a first-class worldwide network.
Updated: 3 hours 16 min ago

Utilisation optimale du cloud : Du « Lift and Shift » au cloud natif

Mon, 4/29/2024 - 14:02
cloud lift and shift and cloud-native‘Lift and shift’ has long been the dominant paradigm for migrating workloads to the cloud. However, we should now move beyond this phase; a cloud-native approach aligns much better with the digitalization challenges that organizations face today. Nevertheless, achieving this requires a solid strategy as its foundation. Challenges with Current Cloud Practices In essence, many […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

L’avenir de l’infonuagique et de l’IA : Table ronde à Amsterdam

Mon, 4/15/2024 - 14:00
Table ronde à Amsterdam : l’avenir de l’infonuagique et de l’IANos experts en infonuagique à Amsterdam se sont récemment réunis avec un groupe d’experts en technologie pour discuter du climat évolutif de l’infrastructure. The discussion centered around various strategies and challenges associated with Cloud infrastructure and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Concerns around Cloud deployment options, misunderstandings around Cloud migration, the need for human intervention from service providers, and the […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Intégrer efficacement l’IA dans votre stratégie d’entreprise

Wed, 3/20/2024 - 11:43
un homme qui regarde des donnéesChatGPT a porté l’IA à l’attention du grand public, en en faisant LE sujet de l'année 2023 accompagné de promesses de travail plus innovant, intelligent et efficace. However, the extent to which the average company can fulfill these promises in the coming year remains a big question. In 2024, the focus will be on data security, flexibility, […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

LevelUP: Le vrai coût du jeu sur site par rapport au jeu dans le cloud

Wed, 3/13/2024 - 11:33
jeu sur site par rapport au jeu dans le cloudPasser de l’infrastructure traditionnelle sur site au cloud computing est un tournant historique dans le développement du secteur du jeu. This has a huge impact, particularly in the real-time multiplayer game world – where scalability, flexibility, and rapid deployment are mission-critical for your game to succeed. Cloud computing offers cost-effective and efficient options, along with other advantages, including security and […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Améliorer la vitesse de votre site Web grâce au Multi-CDN

Tue, 1/16/2024 - 14:58
3 façons dont le cloud accélère la croissance de votre entrepriseToutes les marques cherchent à renforcer leur réputation et leur professionnalisme. In 2023, a key part of how brands were perceived was through their online presence, especially their websites. There are many things to consider when developing a successful website including theme, design, and structure. But, another important consideration is how fast and reliably the content is […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

SaaStr Annual 2023 : Récapitulatif de l’évènement SaaS le plus important au monde

Thu, 11/9/2023 - 14:13
SaaStr 2023Notre participation récente au SaaStr Annual 2023 nous a laissé optimistes et revigorés au sujet de l’avenir de l’industrie du cloud. We hope you had the chance to visit our booth and left with kernels of inspiration from our hosting technologies and our awesome popcorn machine. Serving as a sponsor since 2016, we are committed […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Exigences en termes d’infrastructure IA : Toutes les IA ne se valent pas

Tue, 10/31/2023 - 14:33
Exigences en termes d’infrastructure IACette année, l’IA a occupé une place centrale. À la suite de l’engouement pour ChatGPT/Open AI, elle est devenue un sujet de conversation approprié lors des fêtes d’anniversaire. As industry professionals, we familiarized ourselves with the topic quite a while ago already. As have science fiction adepts, I can imagine. Yet we all realize that the days of […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Présentation du stockage vMotion : tout ce que vous devez savoir

Tue, 9/5/2023 - 11:51
VMware Storage vMotionThe digital age has created a world where data continues to grow in staggering numbers. This means that businesses need increasingly new storage infrastructure to ensure seamless resource management. Storage vMotion is a powerful technology which we will dive into in this blog, including what it is, how it works, real-world use-cases, and how it […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

VMware vSphere vs vCloud : Quelle est la meilleure solution pour vous ?

Thu, 8/17/2023 - 14:44
Vmware vSphere vs vCloudSo, your company is running legacy systems or a self-managed on-premises infrastructure. Now the drawbacks of these setups are beginning to slow your operations down. Time to move to the cloud, but the question is, what type of cloud?  In this blog post, I will shed some light on one of the key decisions organizations […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

La puissance du cloud computing dans l’industrie du jeu vidéo

Thu, 6/29/2023 - 10:15
cloud computing et jeuxL’industrie du jeu a considérablement changé depuis ses débuts et les premières parties de « Pong ». As new tools and technology have been developed, we see a shift in the way games are developed, delivered, and played. One of the most significant catalysts behind this transformation is Cloud-based computing. The rise and adoption of […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Comment connecter votre infrastructure Leaseweb au cloud public et plus encore

Wed, 6/7/2023 - 16:38
Réseau hybride Comment se connecter au cloud publicNos clients nous demandent souvent comment ils peuvent connecter leur infrastructure Leaseweb au cloud public ou à un autre data center Leaseweb. This is where Leaseweb’s Hybrid Network – Leaseweb Private Network and Leaseweb Cloud Connect – come in. Whilst Hybrid Network is related to Hybrid Cloud, there are some key differences which I will explain in […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Évitez les coûts cachés et le verrouillage des fournisseurs grâce à nos tarifs d’informatique dématérialisée (Cloud Pricing)

Tue, 4/18/2023 - 13:21
Évitez les coûts cachés et le verrouillage des fournisseurs grâce à nos tarifs d’informatique dématérialisée (Cloud Pricing)Many businesses are turning to cloud services to assist their operations as they continue to adopt new working practices in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many organizations, especially small and medium-sized ones, run the danger of overspending on cloud services due to hurried cloud expenditures and a lack of due diligence procedures (SMBs). The 2021 […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Récupération cloud en cas de sinistre : Faites passer la protection de vos données à la vitesse supérieure

Tue, 4/11/2023 - 10:28
cloud disaster recoveryIn today’s digital age, organizations depend on their IT infrastructure to run their business operations efficiently. However, natural disasters, cyber-attacks, and other unforeseen events can cause significant disruptions to an organization’s IT infrastructure, leading to significant downtime and lost revenue. Therefore, having a disaster recovery plan is essential for organizations to ensure business continuity in […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Qu'est-ce que le Cloud ? Aperçu de notre environnement Cloud

Thu, 3/23/2023 - 15:13
Qu'est-ce que le Cloud ?« Le Cloud » était un concept mystérieux qui a émergé au début des années 2000. It was difficult to understand how it was possible to access computing resources remotely, without an on-site IT infrastructure. It seemed like something out of a science fiction story. However, the reality of cloud has had a huge impact on the tech industry […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Leaseweb lance les instantanés VPS

Tue, 3/14/2023 - 11:43
VPS snapshot launchLeaseweb is excited to announce the launch of the snapshot feature for our VPS offerings. This feature allows our customers to take a “snapshot” of their virtual private server at any given moment so they can easily restore their server to that exact state later. This is particularly useful in the event of issues or errors.   […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Pourquoi choisir le cloud privé VMware ?

Wed, 3/1/2023 - 10:22
Pourquoi choisir le cloud privé VMware ?Most organizations have now embraced a cloud-first strategy. Still, many business-critical applications do not lend themselves to be easily ‘cut and pasted’ into a cloud service. This is where VMware Private Cloud might be the way to go. In this blog we’ll explain why and how Leaseweb can support you in taking this step. What […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

3 façons de faire passer les entreprises au niveau supérieur grâce au cloud

Tue, 2/21/2023 - 09:30
3 façons dont le cloud accélère la croissance de votre entrepriseCloud has revolutionized the way modern companies do business. It has provided a scalable and cost-effective solution for companies to store and manage their data, applications, and infrastructure. With cloud computing, companies no longer have to invest in expensive hardware and software to run their operations. Instead, they can access a shared pool of resources, […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

DE-CIX DirectCloud offre une connexion plus rapide, facile et privée au Cloud public

Wed, 1/11/2023 - 11:10
DE-CIX DirectCLOUDFor many companies, cloud computing is becoming central to their business. For these businesses, it is immensely important that the connections between the components of their hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructures are fast, stable and secure. This allows for the possibility of a new private connection directly via the internet node — without the diversions via […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Quelle est la meilleure solution cloud pour votre entreprise ?

Thu, 12/15/2022 - 11:27
Les meilleures solutions cloud pour votre entrepriseVous avez donc pris la décision de faire évoluer votre entreprise en passant au cloud. But which cloud product exactly is right for your needs?  When planning your cloud-journey based on Leaseweb cloud infrastructure services, you may benefit from a quick introduction in what each of the products is best suited for.  […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Comment optimiser votre cloud hybride pour la durabilité

Thu, 12/1/2022 - 14:50
Comment optimiser votre cloud hybride pour la durabilitéOptimizing your infrastructure for energy efficiency is a must for both your wallet and the environment. Simple choices in how you architect your platforms can make a huge difference in how much energy is being wasted – and in turn – how much money is going down the drain.  In our previous blog, we explained […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb
